Consultant Intensivist & Infectious disease, King Fahad Hospital of the University, Imam, Bahrain
Dr. Tariq AlMusawi is an American trained and American Board certified physician in internal medicine, infectious disease and critical care medicine. Additionally, he obtained the masters of Science in Healthcare Administration from the Warren National University, Wyoming, USA.
Currently, he is practicing as a consultant Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease and Critical Care Medicine in the King Fahad Hospital of the University, Al-Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Moreover, Dr. AlMusawi is an associate professor at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland- Medical University of Bahrain (RCSI-MUB) in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Dr. AlMusawi has a particular interest in infections among critically ill patients including multi-drug resistant Gram negative bacteria, fungal infections and infection control matters in intensive care units. He takes the lead in antimicrobial stewardship programs in his clinical settings especially in intensive care units. He had been a speaker in many local, regional and international conferences in his areas of interest and is an instructor to many critical care courses. He had received several awards and published widely in the field of infectious disease and critical care medicine.